Posts Tagged ‘ving tsun’

Wing Chun Kung Fu and Chinese KickBoxing in Hull

            Wing Chun Hull

             Learn Wing Chun and Chinese Kickboxing In Hull:

  • Learn an effective form of street self-defence to protect yourself and your family
  • Learn an authentic and complete Chinese martial art
  • Develop greater flexibility and strength and fitness
  • Lose weight and tone up
  • Develop self-confidence
  • Have fun and relieve stress
  • Gain Mental Strength and Peace of Mind

Hull Wing Chun Runs Classes in Wing Chun and Chinese Kickboxing in Hull and the surrounding regions. Classes are running weekly in Hull. Call 07943846568 for details and class times.

Wing Chun is an incredible martial art form with effective applications in the modern world. Apart from being a complete system of self-defence, Wing Chun can also help with improving your overall health, be it physical, mental and emotional.

Hull Wing Chun is associated to the most successful Wing Chun Martial arts association in the UK. Run by one of the uk’s leading wing chun teachers we offer classes in traditional Wing Chun and Chinese KickBoxing…..

Wing Chun has a rich history which you can read about by clicking here and has around twelve fully established and documneted systems. Wing Chun is conceptual in base and flowing and free of form in application, adapting to the situation using concepts, zones, angles and structure to offset size and strength.Wing Chun’s most famous student is Bruce Lee who learned from Ip Man  and Wong Shun Leung….A famous Wing Chun fighter and teacher known as the King of Gor Sau (talking Hands) a term for Full Contact challenge fights that took place on Hong Kong Rooftops……Bruce lee Himself would often take part in these challenge fights along with Hawkings Cheung his best friend and one of only five people to learn the whole Wing Chun system from Ip Man Direct….

Wing Chun has many variations in spelling including Ving Tsun, Wing Tsun etc. but essentially all Wing Chun has the same Concept driven methods allowing for individual expression and application. Very much like western boxing Muhammad ali and Mike Tyson are both heavyweights, both fought for the same belts in the same sport governed by the same rules and yet both where completely different fighters using different methods in the Ring.

wing chun hull bruce leeIn Wing Chun all students learn the same system, the same forms, the same skill drills, chi sao, lap sau, chi gerk, etc etc. In application though each student can use Wing Chun there way leading to a freedom of mind and body seldom found in many rigid martial arts styles.

Call 07943846568 today to book your introductory lesson…….. Wing Chun Hull, Salisbury Hall, 1Park Road, Beverley Road. Near the Town Centre….