
            Sergeant Brett Bayes.Charlie Troop,RTW,Toobruk Barracks,

Puckapunyal MILPO

Victoria  3662


Tel: – 00 61 4 5793 1404Mob: – 00 61 43403601012/09/08

To whomever this may concern,

Testimonial – Sifu Gary Gowan Wing Chun Chinese Boxing.

With regards the above subject.  I have known Gary since February 2003, several of my troop where training with him and talking him up so I walked unannounced into his Kwoon in the centre of Hull to check him out.  It was apparent to me from that moment he was a sincere, genuine and very knowledgeable Sifu (Martial Art Father/Teacher).  He does not subscribe to the normal media perception of martial arts with its “flashy” unrealistic techniques, but instead remains true to the Wing Chun Concepts Chinese KickBoxing philosophy of Simple, Direct and Efficient combat that has little or no rules in the real world of street fighting, a subject which is close to my heart as a Sgt In the Royal Marine Commando’s who spends much of his time in the most dangerous regions of the world.

I can say without doubt That the combat skills and awareness I learned whilst studying with Sifu Gary have saved my life on numerous occasions. Sifu also has a generosity when sharing his knowledge and has an uncanny ability of making his methods understandable irrespective of the students ability. He always appears cheerful and approachable. His enthusiasm and humour are second to none which is something that becomes infectious when training with him. I was fortunate enough along with a select few of my men to have private lessons with Sifu, this took my level of ability and understanding of Wing Chun Chinese KickBoxing to a level far higher than I expected.

Approximately 12 months ago I emigrated away from England to Australia to take up an instructors post with the Australian Army’s Charlie Troop.  Prior to this Gary awarded me my Level 1 instructorship certificate. During the last twelve months I have kept in contact with Sifu via the internet where he has continued to pass on his vast expanse of knowledge, I am also hopeful of persuading Sifu to come out to Australia to teach Charlie troop when he gets time.

I have been teaching martial arts for ten years and have worked with other teachers but nothing comes close to the effectiveness and brutality of the Wing Chun Concepts Chinese KickBoxing system that Sifu Gary teaches.  I am honoured to know him and wish him success with all his future projects.

Sgt. Brett Bayes

Australian Army Charlie Troop instructor.                                                                                                                                                                 Former instructor with the Royal Marine Commando’s                                                                                                                             United Kingdom Landing Force.                                                                                                                                                                         Victoria Combat Wing Chun Concepts  Chinese KickBoxing Coach.

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